A) 15min AMRAP
250/200m Row (Damper on 3)
20s Supinated Bar Hang
10/10 Plank Shoulder Taps
B) 10! For Time
HEAVY KBS (70/53)
True Pushups
Box Jumps, Step Down (30/24)
A1) 3×5 Back Squats (32X1)
A2) 3×5/5 Split Squats
A3) 3×15 Tough Ring Rows
B1) 3×7/7 Single Leg RDL
B2) 3×7 Arnold Press
C) 12min AMRAP
5/5 Renegade Rows
30m Sled Push (TOUGH)
5s Ring Support Hold (top of the dip)
*each round, add 5s to the hold