A) 6min partner AMRAP
Run 200m while partner Holds plank (front or side)
B) Every min for 10 sets
3 Bench Press @ 30X1 Tempo (65% 1RM)
C) Partner Chipper
100 Slam Balls
75 Candle Sticks (Pro: GHD Situps
50 DB Man-Makers
(pushup, row/row, clean, thruster)
***split reps, only 1 partner working at a time
A) 6×8 OH Squat (assuming good mobility)
B) 6×8 DB Power Clean
C) 6×8 Wide Grip Pull Ups (or Ring Rows)
D) 6×8/8 Front Rack Lunges
E) 6×8 Band Resisted Inverted Rows
F) 6×8 Banded Straight Arm Press Down
G) 6×8/8 Alt DB Hammer Curl
H) 6×8/8 DB Zottman Curls
***Use a 3s sec eccentric phase on all lifts
***start light and rest just long enough for your partner to go (approx 30s)