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    Saturday, October 20, 2018

    Koda CrossFit


    A) EVERY 3 min for 18 min (6 sets)
    3 Push Press (Heavy BUT Crisp)
    ME Row Pace


    “Partner Volkswagen”
    42-30-18 Reps for time
    Bench Press (BW/.66 BW)
    Strict Pullups
    ***split reps however***

    Koda Jacked

    A) 7×8 Rack Pull (Elevated DL, knee height)
    B) 7×8 BB Floor Press
    C) 7×8/8 Split Stance Good Mornings
    D) 7×8/8 KB Clean and Press
    E) 7×8 SUPER Close Grip Bench (elbows IN)
    F) 7×8/8 Kneeling DB Press
    G) 7×8 Pushup + Renegade Rows

    ***Use a 3s sec eccentric phase on all lifts
    ***start light and rest just long enough for your partner to go (approx 30s)