A) Every 2min for 6 sets
5 Front Squats @ 30X1 Tempo (65% 1RM)
B) 4 rounds
30s plank
30s ME WBS
*** REST 3 min***
C) 4 rounds
25s plank
35s ME Slam Balls
*** REST 3 min***
D) 4 rounds
20s plank
40s ME Double Unders
A) 5×8 Sumo DL
B) 5×8 DB Incline Bench Press
C) 5×8 Sumo Stance Good Mornings
D) 5×8 DB Arnold Press
E) 5×8 HEAVY Glute Bridges
F) 5×8 Dips
G) 5×8 DB Front Raises
H) 5×8 Skull Crushers
***Use a 3s sec eccentric phase on all lifts
***start light and rest just long enough for your partner to go (approx 30s)