A1) 4×3 OHS (3s hold at the bottom)
A2) 4×10 Banded Face Pulls
B1) 4×3 Snatch Balances (3s hold at the bottom)
B2) 4×5/5 Side Plank DB Rotations
5 rounds, each for time
(20:00 CAP)
8 Hang Power Snatches- Below Knee (115/80)
Run 400m
5/3 Ring MUs ***
***or 5 burpee C2B
A1) 5,4,3,2,1 Snatch Grip Deadlift
*pause for 1s below knee going up AND down
A2) 5×10 Banded Chest Flys
B1) 4×5/5 Box Pistols
B2) 4×5/5 Alternating Seated DB Press
B3) 4×10/10 Windshield Wipers
C) 3 rounds, increasing pace each round
500/400m Ski/Row
30m HEAVY KB/Bag/Ball Front Rack Carry
10 T2B